1. 64529 from scipy.optimize import fsolve from math import sin,cos def f(x): a = float(x[0]) b = float(x[1]) c = float(x[2]) d = float(x[3]) e = float(x[4]) return [ a*b-24, 2*d-b, d+e-a-c, a+b+c+d+e-26, b+c-e, ] result = fsolve(f, [1,1,1,1,1]) print result print f(result) 2. Go to https://www.dropbox.com/about ChenLi Wang -> Ramsey H. - > Allison Louie -> Naveen Agrawal -> Emily Zhao https://www.dropbox.com/dropquest2012/crane 3. Just some icons. SMUDGES 4. Follow Google Map. SOMA 5. MADLIB 6. Invert the colors, use the not match ones. 2005-3-21 7. The letters are in the comments. Change the order by using the legend. DEALING 8. TRIUMPHANT, First letter of each college mascot: MIT - Tim the Beaver URI - Rhody the Ram LMU - Iggy the Lion UGA - Uga the Bulldog LSU - Mike the Tiger GSU - Pounce the Blue Panther UNLV - Hey Reb! UF - Albert and Alberta Gator UNCC - Norm the Niner MIT - Tim the Beaver 9. Order the files by file extension: Your next destination is the last page of the tour. Then Go to https://www.dropbox.com/tour/6 and send a dropbox invite to the email listed there (boxer@dropbox.com) via https://www.dropbox.com/referrals. 10. ARGENTINA 11. SOUTHPOLE SCFTB OYBPX UEHVD TDGUC HRUIQ PZCQY OYBPX LVYMU EORFN 12. Restore `Chapter12.txt` to its previous version via [[https://www.dropbox.com/revisions/Dropquest 2012/Captain's Logs/Chapter 12.txt]] 13. Go to https://www.dropbox.com/help and click on the shield icon of "Security and Privacy". 14. Re-arrange the slider puzzle according to the highlighted part of the sudoku puzzle. Use this to help you: http://analogbit.com/software/puzzletools 638 924 517 15. Share a folder with boxer@dropbox.com. 16. Click the large rainbow icon next to `Sharing` on https://www.dropbox.com/share 17. SHANGHAI 1. Days of the Week - Missing Sunday 2. Seven Dwarfs - Missing Happy 3. Zodiac Signs - Missing Aries 4. Planets - Missing Neptune 5. Seven Deadly Sins - Missing Greed 6. Chinese Zodiac - Missing Horse 7. Noble Gases - Missing Argon 8. Colours - Missing Indigo 18. Go to https://www.dropbox.com/home/Dropquest%202012/Spring%20Cleaning Put 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 (.jpg) into Category 1 and 2, 4, 5, 7, 10 into Category 2. 19. The answer (URL) is in this format: 1.2/3 1 = Korean for db 2 = Audi TT 3 = For each column, subtract the smaller card value from the larger one http://db.tt/Q2J9J4 20. https://www.dropbox.com/dropquest2012/apollo13 Ocean's Eleven - 11th word in 1.txt is Houston X-Men: First Class - 1st word in 2.txt is we 21 - 21st word in 3.txt is have Super 8 - 8th word in 4.txt is a 28 days later - 28th word in 5.txt is problem Sixth Sense - 6th word in 6.txt is movie 21. The functions applied are: 1, 2, 21, 19, 9, 22, 5, 12, 25. Match them to the corresponding letter in the alphabet to get: ABUSIVELY 22. BADGE Identify each flag, convert it to the ISO 2 digit country code. With the ISO Country Code, look up the corresponding chemical element in the periodic table and find the atomic number. Substitute the atomic number for the country flags and solve the equation! N. B. mod refers to modulo operation which is the remainder after division. Use the equation solutions to find the appropriate midi files for your puzzle (in correct order). flags0.png - 11.mid flags1.png - 18.mid flags2.png - 01.mid flags3.png - 14.mid flags4.png - 19.mid flags5.png - 05.mid flags6.png - 04.mid flags7.png - 13.mid List the musical notes in the midi file, the snare hit (_) denotes a missing letter: 01: C E D _ 02: C A G _ 03: C A B _ A G E 04: E G _ 05: _ E G 06: D E _ F 07: C A_ E 08: _ A B B A G E 09: _ E E F 10: F A C _ 11: A C E 12: B E _ F 13: _ E A F 14: _ A B B A G E 15: _ E G 16: A G _ 17: C E D _ 18: D E _ F 19: D E C _ D E 20: D E C H D _ 23. Go to the different dropquest twitter accounts and find the coordinates. eg: https://twitter.com/dropquestalpha 18.836043, -72.545993 Connect the dots (looks like dropbox) and find the missing point - http://g.co/maps/hmqd2 MACHU PICCHU 24. Solve the crossword to get the clues: 20 Across - ORDERLOGSBYSIZE 61 Across - NINELETTERWORDS Order the Captain's Logs by size (ascending), find the 9 letter words and take the first letter of each word to get nthwordoflogbychapter. Order the log files by chapter and look for the nth word (Log 1 = 1st word, Log 2 = 2nd word, etc). This gives you a clue which leads you to the answer: COLOSSEUM